Ryncavage, Culver: $700,000 Coming to Wright Township for Traffic Improvement Project

February 24, 2025

HARRISBURG - Rep. Alec Ryncavage (R-Luzerne) and Sen. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-Columbia/Luzerne/Montour/Northumberland/Snyder) today are announcing that Wright Township, Luzerne County, will receive $700,000 through the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Multimodal Transportation Fund. Wright Township will use the funding for road repairs on Walden Drive.

“This award is the latest in a series of funding that the 119th Legislative District has received in recent months to improve the safety of our communities,” Ryncavage said. “I will not stop fighting until all projects in our community are fully funded.”

"Wright Township receiving this grant is welcome news," said Culver. “Moving forward, it is essential that we prioritize infrastructure investments like these, which directly address the needs of our local communities and ensure our roads are properly maintained for the future.”

The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the Commonwealth. Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.

Representative Alec Ryncavage
119th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepRyncavagePA.com / Facebook.com/RepRyncavage

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