Emailed Newsletter - September 30, 2024

September 30, 2024

Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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309 Road Hazards Damaging Vehicles


Motorists traveling in the right lane of 309 South encountered road hazards last weekend due to exposed areas left by contractors working on water runoff as part of the resurfacing project. This caused some drivers to experience vehicle damage, including flat tires. I became aware of the issue through posts on the Mountain Top Chatter Facebook page, and I immediately visited the site to address the problem with PennDOT. Since Monday, I have remained in regular contact with both PennDOT and the contractor responsible for the project. Crews were dispatched early Monday morning to address the hazards. The project is still ongoing, and an additional topcoat of asphalt will be applied. In the meantime, steps were taken to mitigate any further issues until the work is completed.                                     
Election Ballot Drop Box Debate

Ballot drop boxes weren't listed on Luzerne County Council’s agenda, but they became the central topic during public comments at last week’s meeting.

In response to county manager Romilda Crocamo's decision to remove four drop boxes for the upcoming Nov. 5 general election, a mix of citizens voiced opinions both in favor of and against the move.

I submitted a letter in support of Crocamo’s decision that was read as part of public comment. I highlighted that tough decisions often prompt resistance. You can read my full letter below.

You can read more about why the Luzerne County manager removed the drop boxes and her plan for election security here.

Good Food for a Good Cause


Be sure to thank your Department of Public Works workers! Last week, we treated the Plymouth DPW to a great meal while supporting our local fire department during Elm Hill Hose Co. #3’s Firehouse Subs fundraiser!                                     

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