Emailed Newsletter - August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024

Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Shred Event a Huge Success

When we’re not spending time in the office solving constituent cases, we’re out in community providing solutions to everyday problems. Last weekend we hosted our second and maybe final document shredding event! The popularity and success of these events have been amazing - should we have one in the Fall?

Around the District

309 Paving Update!
Last week, the contractor resumed drainage and other miscellaneous construction activities on the southbound side of Route 309. The contractor is tentatively planning to start paving operations on the southbound lanes beginning August 12th. Please note that the schedule is subject to change. I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we work to improve our infrastructure.

Lee Road paving close to completion

It’s a new week and it’s a new road paved in the 119th District! The nicest road in the county is right here at home. Main and Lee roads in Newport Twp. through Mocanaqua will be completed in just a few more days!

PHEAA Announces Financial Aid Seminars

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) is hosting free webinars in August aimed at helping students and families understand financial aid and loan repayment.

The webinar titled “Deep Dive into Covering the Gap” will be offered at noon on Tuesday, Aug. 6, and at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22. This one-hour session aims to help students and their families understand their bill and financial aid package, and determine what, if any, borrowing is needed to cover the difference between aid and actual cost.

The webinar titled “Financial Aid Timeline – Know What to Do When” will be offered at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8, and again at noon on Tuesday, Aug. 20. This one-hour presentation will provide the starting points and web resources for effective research before, during and after your student makes post-secondary education decisions.

For a full schedule, and to register your participation, visit

National Night Out

Millions of people on Tuesday will take part in National Night Out, a day set aside to promote police-community partnerships and engage all of us in the effort to support the health and safety of our friends and neighbors.

Spend an evening with your neighbors and members of my staff at National Night Out events that will be held throughout the district.
Upcoming District Events


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