Emailed Newsletter - April 29, 2024

April 29, 2024

Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Townhall Concerns Put into Action

In Edwardsville, Woodward Hill has unfortunately become a hotspot for illegal dumping. In February, businesses and residents alike came to my Coffee and Conversation Townhall, hosted at the Edwardsville Borough building, to have their concerns heard, prompting action. Last week, in a collaborative effort between my office and SCI Dallas, inmates took to the streets of Woodward Hill and State Route 11 for a much-needed cleanup campaign. We're actively engaging with the municipality and utility companies to enhance lighting and enforcement measures, ensuring a brighter, cleaner community.
Plymouth Borough has a new fire truck on the way!

At a recent council meeting, Plymouth Council voted to authorize the purchase of a Seagrave Model TB70CA Marauder Pumper Engine. Funding was secured from multiple sources including Plymouth Borough and their Fireman’s Relief Association. My office worked with Senator Lisa Baker to support $183,000 from the 2022 LSA Grant toward the initiative.
Expanding our Veteran Outreach

Every month, our office provides reserved office hours tailored specifically to address veterans and their dependents. Held in a private setting with a dedicated Veterans Service Officer linked directly to the VA system, these sessions cover a range of crucial issues, from paperwork and benefits to medals, healthcare, and mental health concerns.

Due to the overwhelming demand for these sessions, we're excited to share that we're adding another day each month, starting this May. You can now join us at our Fairview Township office on the first Wednesday of every month, along with our usual sessions on the third Friday in our Nanticoke office. These service hours are by appointment only. For appointments or further information, please call 570-902-4082.
Save the Date

More details to follow, but I hope to see you at my next shredding event on July 27 at Hanover Area Junior Senior High School.

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