Ryncavage Announces Permanent Repair Underway at Kirby Avenue Railroad Crossing

April 17, 2024

LUZERNE – State Rep. Alec Ryncavage (R-Luzerne) is pleased to announce a significant update regarding the long-standing concerns over the condition of the Reading Railroad crossing at Kirby Avenue. After diligent efforts and direct communication with the president of the Reading Railroad, Ryncavage has successfully expedited a permanent repair process.

“The intersection at Kirby Avenue has been a source of frustration and safety concerns for residents and commuters due to its deteriorating condition,” Ryncavage said. “Following emergency track repair, which took place two weeks ago, temporary measures were implemented, including the placement of stone at the crossing. However, the use of stone caused turbulent conditions for vehicles crossing the tracks, resulting in inconvenience and, for some, damage, which led to my office getting involved.”

Reading Railroad said the use of stone was necessitated by the unavailability of asphalt due to seasonal constraints.

Responding to mounting community concerns, Ryncavage engaged with the Reading Railroad Government Affairs office to expedite the repair process. On Tuesday, Reading Railroad mobilized crews to bolster the temporary measures with additional stone, further improving safety conditions at the intersection.

Moreover, a comprehensive plan for a permanent repair has been established, with crews and materials being assembled for deployment within the next three weeks. This forthcoming solution will involve the mobilization of paving equipment not only at the Kirby Avenue crossing, but also at the Church Road crossing, ensuring a smooth asphalt surface for both intersections.

Ryncavage appreciates the responsiveness of Reading Railroad and remains committed to overseeing the progress of these repairs to ensure they are carried out efficiently and effectively. Residents and commuters are encouraged to stay informed about further developments through Ryncavage's official Facebook page at Facebook.com/RepRyncavage.

Representative Alec Ryncavage
119th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepRyncavage.com / Facebook.com/RepRyncavage

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