Emailed Newsletter - April 10, 2024

April 10, 2024

Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Last week the House was in recess post-Easter Holiday. Today, we reconvene in Harrisburg for three days of voting session and committee meetings. During the recess, I remained active shuttling between Harrisburg and home. One notable visit took me to the Pennsylvania American Legion Headquarters in Wormleysburg, where I met with the War Veterans Council.

The council is an organization devoted to advocating for veterans and addressing legislative and other significant matters that affect veterans of all ages and regions within our state. Comprised of various service organizations like VFW, AMVETS, Catholic War Vets, and others, the council offers them a collective voice and a central venue for discussions.

I presented my disabled veteran legislation to the group, garnering support to advance this initiative.

In March, I introduced you to Michael from Nanticoke. Many disabled veterans, like Michael, are stuck in a frustrating situation. The Disabled Veteran Registration Plate, meant to certify a veteran’s disability, doesn't grant parking privileges for disabled spaces. It's baffling, but true. When my office discovered this oversight, we teamed up with Michael to solve a problem that leaves veterans across our Commonwealth inadvertently violating the law. You can click here to read more about that issue in detail. 

During my visit, I brought the issue to the attention of the council and presented my legislation, seeking their support to propel it forward and ultimately solve this problem once and for all.
Around the District

Repairs to Carey Avenue Bridge / Route 11 Intersection

Roadwork is almost complete to fix the Carey Avenue Bridge / Route 11 intersection. If you travel this route into Plymouth from Larksville, you know what I’m talking about! PennDOT is addressing the subsided piece of concrete which caused the dip in the roadway. Today I had the opportunity to stop by and see the progress in action before heading to Harrisburg for the voting session.

This was a temporary repair to the slab issue. The PennDOT District 4 Office wanted crews to place asphalt on the slabs as soon as the asphalt plants opened for the season, and today was the first day those crews received the material. The District 4 Office is getting a contract to make permanent repairs to the slabs. My office will be following this progress.

PPL Power Outages and Obstructions

Last week did not end quietly because of the storm that affected much of Mountain Top! My office and I were in the streets addressing power outages and road obstructions throughout our community, coordinating with PPL and connecting families with resources.

On Thursday, I shared on Facebook the following update.

On Friday, I then worked with the Wright Township Police Department and Wright Township Fire Department to address many of the trees still blocking traffic like this scene on Church Road.

The tree was later removed early Saturday morning and required my coordination with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to get the utility companies to act.

My office has received many complaints because of this emergency, and I have listened to many residents and officials who were affected. As a member of the Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities Committee, this experience of both navigating PPL’s response and coordinating cleanup efforts was disheartening and will lead me to spark a larger conversation in Harrisburg around the response times and planning in emergency situations.
Trout Season Opening

The trout season opening was this past Saturday and I hope it was a good one for all the anglers who went out last weekend! Fishermen interested in the Trout Stocking Schedule can stop by any one of our offices to pick up a copy!

My office is currently working on a program with the PA Fish and Boat Commission to offer FREE fishing poles and tackle for borrowing at our offices!

For everything you need to know about fishing in the Commonwealth, including licensing and stocking information, visit or check out the FishBoatPA mobile app.
Scam Alert

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is warning residents to beware of a scam to collect more money – and it’s not rising toll rates!

In a recent release the Turnpike Commission wrote:

“On Sunday afternoon, the PA Turnpike was advised of a phishing scam that is targeting E-ZPass account holders requesting personal financial information to settle outstanding toll amounts.

  Courtesy of ABC27
The texts purport to be from “Pa Turnpike Toll Services” and center around urgent requests with your account that would result in a late fee if the balance does not get settled. Similar scams have been reported by toll agencies across the country over the past several days.

Customers who receive an unsolicited text, email, or similar message suggesting it is from E-ZPass or another toll agency should not click on the link. E-ZPass account holders can use approved safe methods to check their accounts such as the official PA Turnpike E-ZPass website or the PA Toll Pay app available from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.

Those who receive a fraudulent text can file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at That is a site dedicated to sharing information on Internet crimes across law enforcement agencies.”
Join me at the Shredding Event

On Saturday, April 13, I am hosting a Community Shred Event for residents and small business owners from 10:30 TO 12:30 30 p.m. at Crestwood High School, located at 281 S. Mountain Blvd. Simply drive up and leave the rest to us. Shredders will be on-site to destroy any documents that could compromise your personal information. The limit is three copy paper-sized boxes per car.

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