Ryncavage Announces Youth Hunter Safety Course
March 4, 2024
NANTICOKE – Rep. Alec Ryncavage (R-Luzerne) is hosting a Youth Hunter Safety Course on Saturday, March 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ashley Borough Building.
As a result of these courses, the experiences out in the field aren't just about safety and skills; they're about sharing moments, stories and laughter – just like I did with my dad when I was 12 years old,” Ryncavage said. “In today's digital age, it's crucial to provide opportunities for our youth to connect with nature, learn timeless traditions and cultivate a sense of responsibility. Through initiatives like our Youth Hunter Safety Course, we're not just teaching skills – we're fostering a legacy of stewardship and respect for our natural world.”
According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, all first-time hunters and trappers must complete the Basic Hunter-Trapper Education course before they can purchase a state hunting or trapping license. Attendees must be at least 11 years old and will learn things like ethics and responsible hunting behavior, basic firearm safety, basic shooting skills, wildlife conservation and management, basic firearm and archery hunting techniques, outdoor preparedness and fur-taking basics. The class is six hours and participants must pass a certification exam at the conclusion of the class.
Those interested in attending must pre-register by going here, or directly going to this link.
Representative Alec Ryncavage
119th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepRyncavagePA.com / Facebook.com/RepRyncavage
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