Emailed Newsletter - December 11, 2023

December 11, 2023

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Legislative Update

Last week, House Democrat leadership announced that no session voting days will be scheduled for the first two and a half months of the new year. Coincidence?

House Speaker Joanna McClinton, in an email to all members, wrote, “Last year, there was a severe water leak in the top floor of the Main Capitol Building that caused damage above the House chamber. … This process will involve weeks of scaffolding preparation, site evaluation, and hopefully remediation and renovation to the areas affected. As such, the Spring 2024 Session calendar reflects the reality of this momentous project in the chamber.”

Following that announcement, we received notice that no new Harrisburg session days will occur until Feb. 6 for the governor’s budget address. Then, no more session days until March 18. The reason: a leaky roof.

History shows us that about 25 years ago, when the chamber was being restored, voting sessions were held in the large committee rooms in the basement of the Capitol’s East Wing. Furthermore, more than 100 years ago when our State’s Capitol was destroyed by a major fire, voting sessions were held across the street at a church.

Let’s also not forget the gridlock that occurred earlier this year when the House remained at a deadlock. Under a Republican majority in prior sessions, during the months of January and February, the House had 10 voting session days in 2021 and nine voting session days in 2022. Under a Democrat majority, there were only two voting session days in January and February this year and now none next year.

We are paid to be a full-time Legislature, so I will let the residents draw their own conclusion if this is partisan politics or not.

You know I am not the type of legislator to point fingers. I have a record of breaking through partisan gridlock like this year when I advanced a bill as a freshman in the minority party that is now headed to the Senate, and millions of dollars in grants to our communities and fire companies just to name a few examples.

My work is not done! Regardless of the petty Harrisburg politics, I will be working in the district. Continuing to host Coffee Meeting Town Halls, joining residents at community events, and helping each and every one of you, I pledge to get things done.

If I can ever help you cut through the government red tape, navigate a state agency, celebrate a special occasion, recognize a neighbor, or lend my ear over the phone or in person, please give my office a call.
Date Change – Mark Your Calendar!

Our Coffee and Conversation has been rescheduled! It is expected that we will be in session through Friday of this week, completing the second half of our budget. To stay ahead of this, we are rescheduling our monthly coffee meeting to Thursday, Dec. 21. If you are planning to attend and the new date is now inconvenient, please feel free to contact our office, and I will gladly accommodate your schedule for a personal conversation.
In the District

A heartwarming day of giving at Hanover Township's Stuff A Truck Toys for Tots event, followed by the festive melodies of Wyoming Valley West’s High School holiday band concert.

These performances are a great way to take a pause from the holiday chaos. You can catch another free show on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. as the Wyoming Valley West High School concert choir and chorus take the stage for their winter concert!

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