Ryncavage Announces $56 Million in Funding for Infrastructure Projects will Continue for the 119th Legislative District

November 29, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Alec Ryncavage (R-Luzerne) today announced that state funding for road and bridge projects in his district will continue. The money was recently authorized and approved for release by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).

“As a freshman member of the minority party, I am proud to keep our area relevant in Harrisburg,” said Ryncavage. “Local governments and community organizations have been struggling to balance limited funds and needed improvements. These dollars will be used to help undertake essential work so our communities can continue to thrive.” The infrastructure projects, funded at Ryncavage’s request, include:

  • Church Road, located in Wright Township, Mountain Top - $500,000
• Crestwood Drive, located in Wright Township, Mountain Top - $250,000
• Hanover Street, located in Hanover Township - $250,000
• Oak Hill Road, located in Wright Township, Mountain Top - $500,000
• West Nanticoke Bridge Reconstruction - $54.9 million 

The projects, previously submitted for funding under former Senator John Yudichak and former Representative Gerald Mullery, must go before the CFA annually for funding approval. As the current representative, Ryncavage fully supports these infrastructure projects and expressed his desire for the funding to continue.

Earlier this month, Luzerne County’s outside engineer recommended rehabilitation and partial replacement of the existing Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge over the Susquehanna River for approximately $39.6 million instead of constructing a new bridge at an estimated cost of $64 million.

The engineer’s report said the bridge is “considered fracture critical” and “structurally deficient,” which leading to a weight limit. The 100-year-old bridge was downgraded to a 15-ton weight limit in 2020 due to issues found in an inspection. The roadway is a continuation of State Route 3001 from the south and terminates at the intersection with Route 11 at its north end.

According to Ryncavage, the bridge plays a crucial role in reducing emergency response times and fostering additional economic development in the region.

“Although the funding has been secured at the state level, the ultimate decision on the course of action will rest with county officials” Ryncavage noted. “Council and the administration are currently reviewing a detailed report designed to furnish them with a comprehensive overview of the available options.”

“Infrastructure improvements, especially those focusing on safety and positioning us to expand our tax base are essential, and I’m pleased to see these significant investments made in our communities,” Ryncavage added.

Representative Alec Ryncavage
119th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepRyncavagePA.com / Facebook.com/RepRyncavage

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