Emailed Newsletter - September 18, 2023

September 18, 2023

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Searching for Scholarships?

The cost of a postsecondary education can add up quickly for students and families. The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) will hold a webinar to help students and their families learn how to cover those expenses. PHEAA will share tips to help students successfully search and apply for scholarships. After attending this webinar, students will understand the different types of scholarships, resources for finding them, and tools to help increase their chances of earning those scholarships. The webinar will be held Monday, Sept. 18, from 6-7 p.m. Click here to register.
Job Opportunity: Counties Seek Poll Workers for Upcoming Election

To ensure elections run smoothly across the Commonwealth, the Department of State is calling on citizens to consider serving as poll workers in the upcoming election on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Open positions vary by county but may include judge of elections, majority inspector and minority inspector, which are elected positions. Counties also need clerks and machine operators/inspectors at each precinct. These positions are filled by appointment.

Counties train poll workers on their election day duties. Workers receive payment for training and for their service on election day.

In order to serve, you must be registered to vote in the county where you wish to work. Exceptions exist for 17-year-old high school students; contact your county election office for more information. Government officials and government employees generally are not allowed to serve as poll workers. Likewise, you are not permitted to serve if your name appears on the ballot.

Poll workers generally work for the entire day on election day, from before the time the polls open at 7 a.m., until after the polls close at 8 p.m.

People interested in serving as poll workers should start by filling out this form. If you have questions, call 877-VOTESPA (877-868-3772) or email
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide claims the lives of over 2,000 Pennsylvanians each year. That’s an average of five lives lost EACH DAY.

Nationwide, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death, with one suicide occurring every 11.1 minutes. There are more than 1 million suicide attempts each year. This tragedy affects ALL ages, races, genders, sexuality, denominations, incomes and educational levels. It can affect anyone and everyone.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time to remember and honor those lost to suicide, as well as support suicide attempt survivors and all who experience suicidal ideation, mental health challenges and crisis every day.

It is important to remember help is available. Just dial 988 to connect with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Learn more about Prevent Suicide PA’s work around Pennsylvania at
I Want to Hear from You!

Will you take the time to fill out a brief survey? Go to my website at or call my office at 570-902-4082 to answer a few short questions.
Upcoming District Events

Be sure to mark your calendars for more upcoming district events:

Thursday, Oct. 5 | 6–8 p.m.
R Bar
119 E. Kirmar Ave., Nanticoke, PA 18634

Thursday, Oct. 12 | 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Jewish Community Center in Kingston
613 S. J Strauss Lane, Kingston, PA 18704


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