Ryncavage Takes Oath of Office for First Term in PA House

January 3, 2023

PLYMOUTH – Rep. Alec Ryncavage (R-Luzerne) today took the oath of office to begin his first term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives during a ceremony at the state Capitol in Harrisburg.

“I am proud and humbled to be able to serve my friends and neighbors in our wonderful communities and look forward to being their voice in Harrisburg,” said Ryncavage. “From ensuring Pennsylvania remains competitive in business to providing relief to senior citizens and working class families, there is plenty of hard work that lies ahead.”

The swearing-in ceremony marked the official start of the 2022-23 Legislative Session.

Ryncavage represents the 119th Legislative District in Luzerne County consisting of the townships of Plymouth, Newport, Rice, Wright, Fairview, Hanover, and the Boroughs of Warrior Run, Sugar Notch, Ashley, Plymouth, Edwardsville, Larksville. His district also includes the city of Nanticoke.

More information about Ryncavage is available on his website at RepRyncavage.com. Residents can stay connected by following him on Facebook at Facebook.com/RepRyncavage.

Representative Alec Ryncavage
119th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jordan Walters
RepRyncavagePA.com / Facebook.com/RepRyncavage

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